Winning Hearts with Personalised Email Marketing
Transform customer connections and learn how data insights and personalisation can craft love stories in marketing

Personalisation for the season of love
In the world of customer engagement, there’s an art to making your audience fall head over heels for your brand. Using the data available to marketers, emails can land in inboxes, not as generic messages, but as personalised communications. And we don’t mean that an email merely starts with their name!
By putting your customer data to work, an organisation can truly leverage their unique insights to generate dynamic segmentation that includes everything from engagement behaviour to buying behaviour, even factoring in product returns. When that segmentation is then utilised in email creation employing dynamic content and right time journey automation – your customers can’t help but fall in love with you!
Two tools that help you understand how much your customers’ love you are RFM and CLTV Analysis. These are metrics that you can think of like a score. The more a customer loves you, the more they engage with your brand and buy from you. The more they buy from you, the more you learn about their likes and dislikes – even their product returns can be helpful in aiding your understanding.
Many marketers are familiar with the concept of Net Promoter Scores – and while they have a place in understanding customer experience in certain contexts, it is a very blunt instrument with many challenges that are difficult to overcome. CLTV and RFM analysis tools are based on real customer revenue data and therefore infinitely more insightful.
Applying these tools to guide dynamic content suddenly takes communicating to tens, or hundreds, of thousands of customers from a generic, suits-no-one, approach to a campaign that has real impact.
As the Valentine’s Day countdown begins, imagine the effect of your tailored emails. Picture your customers feeling understood. Your communications, guided by data, building a lasting connection.
So, gear-up for the season of love armed with marketing insight and your customers will love you for it!
Learn more about RFM and CLTV value by downloading our eBook.